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Dealing with the resources of the earth and nature!Companies inform about their areas of expertise, among others. Research and development in the field of renewable raw materials, control of soil , energy production, production of plant residues, contaminated sites and pollutants, microbiological processes ...On the portals, and you will find information and offers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
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ecology & pollutioncontrol technology

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2 results found

Geothermie Schweiz – Schweizerische Vereinigung für Geothermie (SVG) Bern

Geothermie-Schweiz ist der Dachverband der Akteure der Geothermie in der Schweiz.

Heim Bohrtechnik AG |Geothermiebohrungen | Erdwärme Altstätten (SG)

Heim Bohrtechnik AG Ihr Spezialist in Sachen Geothermie-, & Erdbohrungen! Nutzen Sie die unerschöpfliche Energiequelle Erdwärme für Ihr Eigenheim.

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